We will walk you through the entire process - fuss free.
Contact Sherwin Lim - Let’s get together!
We’ll discuss your reasons for moving, what the home-selling process looks like and the requirements of the sale. The sooner we meet, the better prepared we’ll be to assist in the sale of your home – we love setting expectations.
Market Analysis, Pricing and Strategy
Decide the best strategy and pricing for the current market. Be it digital marketing or home staging. Let's work together for the sale of the home
Marketing and viewing
Show off the house, maximum exposure and decide on the best time for viewing and whether to do open house or flexible viewing timing
Receive offer and negotiate
Once we receive an offer (or multiple offers!), we’ll work to learn as much as possible about the prospective buyer so that we can negotiate with confidence. We’ll take into consideration your preferred timeline, other terms and the buyer’s financial strength.
Closing day and beyond
Forge meaningful relationship beyond closing. Property Clinic is just a call away for advice or asset progression plans